The Idea of the Universe in Gaffurio's Treatise De Harmonia in the Aesthetic Context of Renaissance Humanism

Main Article Content

Elena A. Samarina


The article is devoted to the musical-aesthetic postulates
of a prominent Italian theorist of the 14th-15th century
Franchino Gaffurio. His oeuvre is valued as the mixture of
ancient Greek musical-theoretical systems with humanistic ideas
of the Renaissance. The analysis of the last chapters of the
treatise "On Harmony" allows shedding light on philosophical
foundations of the musical-theoretical views of Gaffurio, which
are based primarily upon the works of Plato, Boethius and
Gaffurio's contemporary Marcilio Ficino. As a result of comparison
of these sources with each other, the author concludes
that Gaffurio's work presents a synthesis of his contemporary
anthropocentric views with the platonic ideas, passed through
the prism of musical analogies. The author refers to the works
of the three philosophers mentioned above, as well as on the
authors' own translation of the fragments of Gaffurio's treatise
from Latin together with the English translation published
by Walter Kreuyszig (USA).

Keywords: musicology, musical aesthetics, musical theory of Renaissance, musical-theoretic systems, harmony

Article Details

How to Cite
Samarina, E. A. (2008). The Idea of the Universe in Gaffurio’s Treatise De Harmonia in the Aesthetic Context of Renaissance Humanism. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 159–165. Retrieved from
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Elena A. Samarina, Novosibirsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after M. I. Glinka

Elena A. Samarina is a doctoral student at the Novosibirsk State Conservatory


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