The Role of Poetry of Luis Carlos Gonzales in the Development of the Genre of Bambuco

Main Article Content

Victoria Gumennaya


This article is dedicated to the examination of the oeuvre
of the Colombian poet Luis Carlos Gonzales and its role in
the development of the song and dance genre of bambuco.
The article emphasizes that in 1940s Luis Carlos Gonzalez'
poetry served as an impetus for the revival of the interest in
this genre among the composers and performers. His poetry
gave the power to the rising tide of popularity of bambuco
both in Colombian Coffee region (Eje cafetero) and in the
country as a hole. Bambucos on the verses by Luis Carlos
Gonzales underwent significant changes in status and popular
perception. Initially, the bambuco took shape naturally as the
local cultural phenomenon of its time, but in the course of
time this genre was chosen by the political elite as a
Colombian nation's symbol. Nowadays, its popularity is maintained
by means organization of competitions and festivals.
The author relies not only on the literature on that subject,
but also on the knowledge gained by directly from the performers
and the poet's family, the members of which graciously provided
the rare documents and audio-records from the family archive.

Keywords: music of the 20th century, Colombian music, popular music, Gonzales’ poetry, bambuco

Article Details

How to Cite
Gumennaya, V. (2008). The Role of Poetry of Luis Carlos Gonzales in the Development of the Genre of Bambuco. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 145–149. Retrieved from
Musical Culture of the Peoples of the World
Author Biography

Victoria Gumennaya, Technological University of Pereira

Victoria Gumennaya is the Titular Professor of the Department
of Fine Arts and Humanities of the Technological University of Pereira. Currently she is finishing her graduate degree program in music at the Rostov State Conservatory named after S. V. Rachmaninov