The Symphony of a Virtuoso: the Fourth Violin Concerto of Henri Vieuxtemps

Main Article Content

Alexander V. Anisimov


The article is dedicated to consideration of style and distinctive
features of the Fourth Concerto in D minor, op. 31
by Henri Vieuxtemps. Using this work as an example, the
author analyzes the development of the genre from the beginning
until the middle of the 19th century from the point of
view of innovation brought by composers, evolution of competition
of soloist and orchestra, and division of a concert
into two types: masterly and symphonic. Mendelssohn's violin
Concerto is described as an example of symbiosis of two models
in a concert cycle.
The distinctive features of Vieuxtemps's Concerto fall into
three categories: the form of the cycle and single parts; the technique
used by the composer, and the interaction of soloist and
orchestra. The author suggests the ideas, used in developing the
cycle and reflected it its form, and shows the role of the
monothematicism. It is also mentioned, that the orchestral score
of Vieuxtemps appear to upset the composers of the French
school. The third part of the Concerto is especially characteristic;
it bears the traces of Beethoven's style. Thus, the Concerto
manifests the key parameters of interaction of soloist and orchestra
and the synthesis of the symphonic and masterly stylistics.

Keywords: musical romanticism, violin concerto, orchestra style

Article Details

How to Cite
Anisimov, A. V. (2009). The Symphony of a Virtuoso: the Fourth Violin Concerto of Henri Vieuxtemps. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 131–137. Retrieved from
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Alexander V. Anisimov, Orenburg State Institute of Arts named after L. and М. Rostropovich

Docent of the Department of Orchestral Stringed Instruments


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