On the Role of Timbre Expressivity in Modern Compositions for Domra

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Yekaterina G. Skriabina


The author touches upon the problems of learning the original
music written for domra, which, nowadays more than ever,
emphasizes the enrichment of timbre and dynamic specter of
sound. In view of the process of simultaneous development of
artistic-creative content and means of expression, it becomes
evident that contemporary composers lean toward the enhancement
of timbral aspects which underline the specific qualities
of domra. This allows broadening of the range of expression
and the innovations in the musical language. The author supports
her research on both musical-theoretical concepts and her
personal experience as the domra performer and teacher.

Keywords: instrumental studies, composers of Russia, music for domra, Russian musical instrument, timbre expressivity

Article Details

How to Cite
Skriabina, Y. G. (2008). On the Role of Timbre Expressivity in Modern Compositions for Domra. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 92–95. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/726
Composer and Folklore
Author Biography

Yekaterina G. Skriabina, Togliatti Institute of Arts



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