Realization of the Mytho-Poetic Spell Universum in the Vocal Cycle of Margarita Kesareva "The Ural Spells"

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Olga V. Schulikova


This article is dedicated to the study of mytho-poetic thinking
of the Urals area composer Margarita Kesareva. On the
example of one of her vocal cycles the author clarifies the specificity
of a genre of placing spell [zagovor], which is one of
the most important folklore sources for this composer. In her
study the author relies upon the term «musical mytheme» suggested
by Tatiana Kaluzhnikova. The chosen path of analysis
allows detecting the main musical mythemes of this vocal cycle
and their relationship with the symbolic languages of description,
i.e. mythological codes. The study of the work of Margarita
Kesareva in the context of neomythologism allows underlining
uniqueness of her figure among the composers of Yekaterinburg.

Keywords: ethnomusicology, Russian ritual, spell genre, Urals area folklore, musical mytheme, mytho-poetic thinking

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How to Cite
Schulikova, O. V. (2008). Realization of the Mytho-Poetic Spell Universum in the Vocal Cycle of Margarita Kesareva "The Ural Spells". Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 78–85. Retrieved from
Composer and Folklore
Author Biography

Olga V. Schulikova, Ural State Conservatory named after M. P. Mussorgsky

Olga Schulikova is an Instructor of music theory at the
Asbest College of Arts, she is also the Assistant Professor
of Folklore at the Humanities University of Yekaterinburg.
Ms. Schulikova is a Degree Candidate at the Urals State
Conservatory, the Department of Music History.


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