The Sound Image of Piano in the Works of Victor Platonov

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Svetlana V. Platonova


The bright creative figure of modern Ryazan composer
Victor Platonov remains for the second decade the signature
of the musical culture of the city and fills its intellectual
lacuna. In the recent years his name becoming more and more
known outside city as well: his compositions sound in Russia
in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, in Lithuania, Spain, Ukraine, and
Germany. There is a notable increase in researcher's interest
to his work. Victor Platonov is a member of the Composers
Union of Russia, a brilliant pianist, the winner of the
International competitions, a perfect accompanist, actively cooperating
with choral collectives of Ryazan, an excellent teacher,
and, in addition, a talented painter. Platonov's credo-«to be
oneself» in knowledge and reflection of the deep philosophical
sides of life — remains the main line of his musical creativity.
Each work of his, from a small romance or piano
miniature up to monumental «Requiem» for female chorus,
soloists and a chamber orchestra, is unique and has deep psychological
implied sense.

Keywords: musicology, composers of Russia, piano music, piano genres

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How to Cite
Platonova, S. V. (2008). The Sound Image of Piano in the Works of Victor Platonov. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 68–77. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Svetlana V. Platonova, Tambov State Musical-Pedagogic Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninov

Svetlana V. Platonova has graduated from the Novosibirsk state conservatory named after M. I. Glinka in 1984. She is a degree candidate at the Department of History and Theory of Music of the Tambov State Musical Pedagogical institute named after S. V. Rachmaninov


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