Georgy Sviridov – Talent or Genius? Concerning the Problem of Formation of Creative Personality in Art

Main Article Content

Elena V. Mstislavskaya


The article examines the subjective and objective factors of the
artist’s self realization in the presentday
social and cultural
milieu. Presentday
culture is characterized by a high mobility
of criteria of evaluation, both of the personality of the artist and
the processes connected with concrete artistic activities and their
particularities. The issue of inluence of value reference points
of society on the formation of the social status of the creative
personality is manifested on the example of the biography of the
composer Georgy Sviridov. The presentday
tendency towards
the universalization of world perception foundations comes into
contradiction with one of the leading paradigms of education –
the creative development of personality. The realization of this
contradiction is connected with the deepening of the conceptions
of the processes that form creative personality during the period
of its formation, of the particular features and signs of a nonstandard

Keywords: self realization, social cultural milieu, creative
personality, giftedness, talent, genius

Article Details

How to Cite
Mstislavskaya, E. V. (2014). Georgy Sviridov – Talent or Genius? Concerning the Problem of Formation of Creative Personality in Art. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 128–132. Retrieved from
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Elena V. Mstislavskaya, Saratov State L.V. Sobinov Conservatory

Associate Professor at the Department of History 
and Theory of Performing Art and Musical Pedagogy


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