To the Question of the Origins of the Musical Instruments of Saami

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Igor V. Solovyov


A rather clear stereotype of Saami music as mostly vocal
has been formed by the decades of ethnographical and musical-
theoretical studies of the traditional Saami culture. The
absence of special research devoted to Saami instrumental
music is the result of common notion of their music as purely
vocal. Overlooked by the researchers, Saami musical instruments
are mentioned only in few texts. In contrast with this
situation, our research is based upon a systematic ethnophonic
method. It takes into consideration the ethno-cultural history
of the ethnic group, the origins of its language, the way
of life, the art forms, ancient beliefs, customs, and pertinent
archeological sources. Our experience of complex field research
of Saami culture has brought us to quite unexpected conclusions.
We can now broaden our views on Saami musical
instruments and change the common opinion on the existence
of instrumental basis of Saami musical thinking.

Keywords: instrumental studies, Saami folklore, traditional culture, origin of musical instruments

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How to Cite
Solovyov, I. V. (2008). To the Question of the Origins of the Musical Instruments of Saami. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 45–51. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Igor V. Solovyov, Petrozavodsk State Conservatory named after A. K. Glazunov

Igor V. Solovyov is an ethnomusicologist, a Professor of the
Department of Ugro-Finnish Peoples of the Petrozavodsk State
Conservatory named after A. Glazunov. He is also a graduate
student at the Russian Institute of History of Arts, the
Department of Instrumentation.


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