Dobuzhinsky and the Musical Theater in Letters and Recollections

Main Article Content

Yelena O. Kazmina


The article is dedicated to the work of prominent
Russian scenic designer, artist Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, who,
together with the panters of the Mir Iskusstva circle, has
raised the profession of the stage designer to the highest
artistic level. The author analyzes the principles of
Dobuzhnisky's approach, his new positions in the art of
scenography. The letters and reminiscences of Dobuzhinsky
and his contemporaries reveal the role of music in his

Keywords: Mir Iskusstva, musical theater, stage design,

Article Details

How to Cite
Kazmina, Y. O. (2009). Dobuzhinsky and the Musical Theater in Letters and Recollections. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 4(1), 186–194. Retrieved from
Musical Theater
Author Biography

Yelena O. Kazmina, Tambov State Musical-Pedagogic Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninov

Candidate of Arts, Docent at the Department of Choral Conducting


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