Complete School of Singing of A. E. Varlamov and Russian Vocal Pedagogy

Main Article Content

Tatyana V. Reshetnikova


The article focuses on the figure of the founding
father of Russian vocal pedagogy, the author of the first
Russian treatise on vocal method, Alexander Varlaamov.
The article investigates the theoretical and practical aspects
of his Complete School of Singing. This study is based upon
archival documents, instructional materials, and textbooks
in history of Russian music.

Keywords: history of Russian music, A. VArlaamov,
Russian vocal school, vocalize

Article Details

How to Cite
Reshetnikova, T. V. (2014). Complete School of Singing of A. E. Varlamov and Russian Vocal Pedagogy. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 4(1), 152–155. Retrieved from
On the History of Russian and Western Music
Author Biography

Tatyana V. Reshetnikova, Saratov State Conservatory (Academy) named after L. V. Sobinov

Associate Professor at the Department of Theory, History and Pedagogy of Art of the Saratov State University named after Tchernyshevsky. She has graduated from Saratov State Conservatory with a degree in voice


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2. Bagadurov V. A. Ocherki po istorii vokal'noy metodologii. — M.: Muzgiz. — Ch. 1. — 1929; Ch. 2. — 1932; Ch. 3. — 1937.
3. Baturlin M. D. Zapiski // Russkiy arkhiv. — 1897. — Kn. 3, vyp. 12.
4. Varlamov A. E. Polnaya shkola peniya. — M.; L.: Muzgiz, 1953.
5. Vospominaniya o Varlamove // Orel. — 1859. — № 3–4.
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