From the History of the Russian Choral Society of the Sverdlovsk Region

Main Article Content

Roman P. Karabatov


The article is devoted to the activities of the Choral Society of
the Sverdlovsk Region. Having been Founded in 1957, it helped
coordinate and manage the work of amateur and professional
groups of musicians, to aim it at raising its professional and
artistic mastery. Among a number of directions of the Society’s
activities, the following are highlighted in the article: carrying
out the Regional Song Festivals (1958, 1960, 1963), the musical
festival “Ural Gems” (1964–1970), the founding in the 1960s
of departments of social professions at the Ural University,
the Polytechnics and Pedagogical Institutes, the Forestry
Engineering Institute and the Industrial Pedagogical Technical
Institute. Information is given on school song festivities
intensively organized in Sverdlovsk and the Sverdlovsk Region
from the mid1960s.
They helped carry out an important mission
of the AllRussian
Choral Society – “establishing choruses in
each school.” Attention is given to the activities of the Choral
Society in solving the problems of musical education. The AllRussian
Choral Society assisted the founding of departments of
musical pedagogy in pedagogical institutes for higher education,
which made it possible to prepare singing instructors for general

Keywords: AllRussian
Choral Society, choral culture of the
Sverdlovsk Region, mass choral singing, song festivals

Article Details

How to Cite
Karabatov, R. P. (2014). From the History of the Russian Choral Society of the Sverdlovsk Region. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 114–121. Retrieved from
Area Studies in Music
Author Biography

Roman P. Karabatov, Ural State M. P. Mussorgsky Conservatory

Faculty member at the Department of Choral Conducting


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