"The Enchanted Lake" ("Volshebnoye Ozero") by Anatoli Lyadov: The Features of Impressionism

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Aliya T. Saduova


This article describes "The Enchanted Lake" by
Anatolii Lyadov as an example of an impressionistic
miniature. Some of the data on the history of creation
of this score, the composer's commentaries, and, finally,
the musical material itself give an opportunity to trace
the impressionistic trend of the work in both its aesthetic
approach and in it musical language. The analysis of
the miniature is made on a few levels: on the level of
genre, on the dynamical and harmonic levels, on the level
of mood, and on the levels of timber, texture and shaping.
Special attention is paid to the thematic complex
(micromotives, motives and themes). Taking into consideration
composer's aesthetics, the basic idea of the work,
the peculiarities of its realization gives the analyst every
reason to believe that this sketch is an example of a
"Russian version of Impressionism."

Keywords: A. Lyadov, 20th-century music, Impressionism in music, thematism

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How to Cite
Saduova, A. T. (2009). "The Enchanted Lake" ("Volshebnoye Ozero") by Anatoli Lyadov: The Features of Impressionism. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 4(1), 132–135. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/697
Technique of Composition of the 20th Century
Author Biography

Aliya T. Saduova, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Aliya T. Saduova is a graduate student at the Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Z. Ismagilov majoring in musicology at the Department of History of Music


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