Semiosphere of Rodion Schchedrin's Ballet the Seagull

Main Article Content

Yekaterina N. Mikhajlova


The article is dedicated to analysis of tendencies of
contemporary musical culture, passed through the prism of
synergetic perception. On the example of ballet The
Seagull, the author summarizes the general characteristics
of the artworks of the postmodern era: intertextuality,
multiple plot structure, metalanguage of symbols, compound
nature of the chronotop, etc. The ballet, as a contemporary
artistic text, is constantly compared with the
culture as a whole, which enhances the music with the
features of dialogic consciousness, unspoken character and
the potential for further interpretations.

Keywords: Ballets of R. Schchedrin, postmodernism,
artistic text, music of the 20th century

Article Details

How to Cite
Mikhajlova, Y. N. (2009). Semiosphere of Rodion Schchedrin’s Ballet the Seagull. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 4(1), 117–120. Retrieved from
Poetics of the Musical Text
Author Biography

Yekaterina N. Mikhajlova, Saratov State Conservatory (Academy) named after L. V. Sobinov

Yekaterina N. Mikhajlova is a graduate student


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