Springtime Musical Festivities in Ekaterinodar: Mikhail Gnesin at the Source of the Artistic Festivals

Main Article Content

Sergei V. Anikienko


The article is devoted in the musical life of Ekaterinodar of the
early 20th century. The organization in the Russian province by
the most prominent Soviet pedagogue and composer Mikhail
Gnesin of the Spring Musical and Artistic Festivities is examined.
On the basis of archival materials from the Russian State Archive
of Literature and Art, as well as publications in the press the
examination is made of the process of preparation and carrying
out the irst festival in 1912. The author of the article speciies:
the dates for holding the festival (April 15 – May 3); the facts
of the organization of the exhibition of the current art and the
lecture that accompanied it, as well as the evenings devoted to
Antique art and modern music. An overall evaluation is given of
the activities of Mikhail Gnesin in the musical culture of Kuban
and Ekaterinodar of the early 20th century. His activities laid
the foundations of the presentday
forms of musical educational

Keywords: Mikhail Gnesin, Anatoly Drozdov, musical life
of Ekaterinodar, Spring Musical Artistic Festivities

Article Details

How to Cite
Anikienko, S. V. (2014). Springtime Musical Festivities in Ekaterinodar: Mikhail Gnesin at the Source of the Artistic Festivals. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 109–113. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/69
Area Studies in Music
Author Biography

Sergei V. Anikienko, The Krasnodar State University for Culture and the Arts

Faculty Member at the Department of Musicology,
Composition and Methodology of Musical Education


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