The Structure of Verse and the Musical-Rhythmic Organization of Wedding Runes of the Karelian Coast of the White Sea

Main Article Content

Vera A. Shvetsova


The article addresses the questions pertaining to wedding
runic traditions of the Karelian coast of White Sea.
The problem of scientific terminology is closely connected
with structure of runic verse. The type of the musical-
rhythmic organisation of wedding runes is considered
from the point of view of structure of the Karelian language.

Keywords: ethmonusicology, White Sea karels, wedding
rune, runic verse

Article Details

How to Cite
Shvetsova, V. A. (2009). The Structure of Verse and the Musical-Rhythmic Organization of Wedding Runes of the Karelian Coast of the White Sea. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 4(1), 89–94. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Vera A. Shvetsova, Petrozavodsk State Conservatory named after A. K. Glazunov

Vera A. Shvetsova is the degree candidate at the State Institute of Arts in Moscow, the Assistant Professor at the Department of Music of the Finno-Ugric people of Petrozavodsk State conservatory named after A. K. Glazunov


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