My Nanny O. Haydn and Scottish Songs

Main Article Content

Damien Sagrillo


The musicological discourse of Haydn's folksong settings
dealt for a long time with problems of compilation
of this vast opus which finally led to its complete edition
in 2005. Haydn's production of folksong settings for
three Scottish editors is enormous. He arranged 429 folksongs
from 1790–1804, which spelled for him a new compositional
experience at his advanced age. With the help
of a typical Scottish folksong this article will first
describe this exotic «raw material» which Haydn had to
deal with. Then it will illustrate the uniformity and the
style in this huge corpus. The common standards are formal
criteria and the instrumentation. Finally it will explain,
how motivic work, i. e. Haydn's personal involvement in
these short music pieces, subsitutes thematic development
in larger compositions.

Keywords: Haydn, Scottish songs, folksong setting,
Classical style, motivic work

Article Details

How to Cite
Sagrillo, D. (2009). My Nanny O. Haydn and Scottish Songs. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 4(1), 58–71. Retrieved from
International Division
Author Biography

Damien Sagrillo, Université du Luxembourg

Doctorate in ethnomusicology,
Professor of music Université du Luxembourg
Faculté des Lettres des Sciences Humaines,
des Arts et des Sciences de l'Education,
Unité de recherche IPSE