Genre Specificity of Leich

Main Article Content

Svetlana V. Sarajeva


The article is devoted to the specificity of Leich, a genre of
Minnesang which has not been studied in Russian musicology. The
questions of genre genesis and context are considered, together with
classification of different types of Leich based upon their poetics and
form. The article discusses the principles of inner- and intersectional
organization of Reinmar fon Zweter’s Leich Got unt dîn eben êwikeit, the
way of interaction of paired verse with bar form (traditional for
Minnesang), and function of melodic line types.

Keywords: the culture of Minnesang, Leich, poetics and structure,

Article Details

How to Cite
Sarajeva, S. V. (2009). Genre Specificity of Leich. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 5(2), 122–126. Retrieved from
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Svetlana V. Sarajeva, Novosibirsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after M. I. Glinka

Svetlana V. Sarajeva is graduate student at the Department of Music History of the Novosibirsk Conservatory.


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