Formulaic Pattern Variant as the Principle of Development of Melodic Forms in Russian Sacred Music of the Turn of the 20th century

Main Article Content

Jamilya G. Kapitonova


The article deals with the effect of preservation and transformation
of artistic canon in such genre of divine service as Christmas canon in
author`s interpretation of composers of the end of the 19th — beginning
of the 20th century. The author analyses canons and heirmoses of such
composers as A. Kastalsky, N. Kompaneysky, D. Allemanov. The author
compares their use of archetypal final cadential figures of Znamennyi
Chant, clarifies the point of view on harmonizing the melodic line, rhythmic,
tempo features and features of the manner of execution.

Keywords: Russian sacred music, New Direction in Russian sacred
music, Christmas canon, Znamennyi chant

Article Details

How to Cite
Kapitonova, J. G. (2009). Formulaic Pattern Variant as the Principle of Development of Melodic Forms in Russian Sacred Music of the Turn of the 20th century. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 5(2), 102–107. Retrieved from
Russian Sacred Music
Author Biography

Jamilya G. Kapitonova, Far-Eastern State Technical University named after V. V. Kujbyshev

Jamilya G. Kapitonova is a graduate student


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