The Analysis of Interaction of Musical and Verbal Structures in Iranian Dastgah Shur

Main Article Content

Gultekin B. Shamilli


The article presents the discussion of classical Iranian music and is
devoted the problem of interaction of musical and verbal structures in
dastgah Shur. The author reveals features of syntactic structure of a
melody, defines the degree of its dependence on structure of the poetic
text at different levels of structural units and reveals the principles of
transformation of the quantitative metrics of verse, that which generates
the phenomenon of a melody with unordered metre. Research is based
on musical notations of Iranian musicologist Muhammad Massoudieh
and on own practice of studying of the given tradition.

Keywords: ethnomusicology, music of Iran, Iranian dastgah,
syntactic structure of melody

Article Details

How to Cite
Shamilli, G. B. (2009). The Analysis of Interaction of Musical and Verbal Structures in Iranian Dastgah Shur. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 5(2), 87–91. Retrieved from
Musical Culture of the Peoples of the World
Author Biography

Gultekin B. Shamilli, State Institute for Art Studies

Candidate of Arts, the senior research worker


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