To the Question of Style Perception in Music

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Azamat D. Khasanshin


The article proves the necessity of rethinking of some tenets of
Russian music theory pertaining to the style in music. The author shows
the ways out of its traditional state which has been conditioned by the
long dwelling on Hegelian «subject-object» paradigm. The author traces
the typology of «ideal objects» or mental constructs, which form, in
different ways, the fashion of perception in music, both by the individual
and by the collective consciousness. The author introduces the notion of
«polystylistic picture of the world» which describes the multi-level
perception of style in music and the necessity of consideration of multidirectionality
of its action.

Keywords: phenomenology of music, Gestalt, eidetic matter, musical

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How to Cite
Khasanshin, A. D. (2014). To the Question of Style Perception in Music. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 5(2), 7–11. Retrieved from
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biography

Azamat D. Khasanshin, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Candidate of Arts, Docent, Chair of the
Department of Jazz Performance and Musical Sound Directing


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