To the Problem of Preparation of Professionally-Competent Teachers of Folk Singing

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Madjit S. Alkin


The existing training of teachers of folk singing offers no systematic knowledge of professional basics to a conservatory graduate. The new system, suggested by the author, allows to have a good sense of direction in training and to master the profession of a pedagogue of Bashkiri folk singing. If the singer’s non-professionalism seems to be his or her own problem, non-professionalism of a teacher of singing is a social and moral problem because the pupils’ life and creative career depend on the teachers’ level of professional competence. Finding the answers to this problem is the first step in the direction of improving the quality of training of folk singers. The author uses his experience of dealing with this problem at the Ufa State Academy of Arts.
The article is intended for the pedagogues, students of vocal departments of conservatoires, and for those who are interested in the art of folk singing.

Keywords: musical education, vocal pedagogy, folk singing, professional competency

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How to Cite
Alkin, M. S. (2010). To the Problem of Preparation of Professionally-Competent Teachers of Folk Singing. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 199–203. Retrieved from
Musical Education
Author Biography

Madjit S. Alkin, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Professor of the Department of Vocal Art


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