What to Teach to Students? Contemporary Problems of the Courses in Harmony: Discussions and Solutions

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Yevgeny B. Trembovelsky


The author suggests an original concept of a “double-layered” course in harmony: one of the layers corresponds with the traditional discipline (it provides the basic knowledge), the other and determined by the contemporary problems of this discipline is dedicated to controversial topics and acute problems, related to the discussion of the following topics: mode and the species of intervallic systems, diatonic and chromatic harmony, modal development, theory of functions, multiple centers of stability, texture, and the notion of harmony. The tenor of the article is in no way intended to oppress the students. On the contrary, the author desires to instill the love for problem-solving among the students, to lead them to complex and not always easily answerable questions which cover all the body of music, but focus on contemporary harmony.

Keywords: musical education, problems of teaching, musical-theoretical disciplines, contemporary harmony, mode, lad

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How to Cite
Trembovelsky, Y. B. (2010). What to Teach to Students? Contemporary Problems of the Courses in Harmony: Discussions and Solutions. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 191–198. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/629
Musical Education
Author Biography

Yevgeny B. Trembovelsky, Voronezh State Academy of Arts

Doctor of Arts, Professor; Chair of the Department of Music Theory


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