The Genre Mélodie in the Vocal Culture of France in the Turn of the 20th Century

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Yelena Yu. Kornienko


The author discusses the creative work Ernest Chausson, a prominent representative of French musical culture of the 19th-20th centuries which is largely understudied by Russian musicologists. The music of the composer clearly manifests its significance for French music of that time; it reveals the reverent attitude toward the national image of lyrical song, embodied in the form of refined, soulful French «mélodie». The article emphasizes some features which represent this genre.

Keywords: French music, vocal culture of France, vocal genres, French «mélodie»

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How to Cite
Kornienko, Y. Y. (2010). The Genre Mélodie in the Vocal Culture of France in the Turn of the 20th Century. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 157–159. Retrieved from
Musical Style and Genre
Author Biography

Yelena Yu. Kornienko, Saratov State Conservatory (Academy) named after L. V. Sobinov

Yelena Yu. Kornienko is a graduate student


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