Types of Tuning of the Hordophones of the Central Asia

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Saule I. Utegalieva


In this paper the author examines the types of musical tunings of the necked chordophones of the Central Asia in connection with natural overtone series.
Octavic, quintal, quartal and other types of tunings were wide-spread in the instrumental and vocal-instrumental music of Turkic people. They correspond to the second, third and forth harmonics in natural scale. They determine the stages in mastering of musical space, including registers; they also serve as a regulators in the coordination of the drone and melody and as the indicators of the pitch zone of the so-called “thickened tone.”

Keywords: Chordophones of Central Asia, natural overtone (harmonic) scale, quartal and quintal tunings, registers, sound pitch zones of real (“thin”) and “thick” tones, drone and melody consonance, kyui, mugam

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How to Cite
Utegalieva, S. I. (2010). Types of Tuning of the Hordophones of the Central Asia. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 127–131. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/616
Musical Culture of the Peoples of the World
Author Biography

Saule I. Utegalieva, Kazakh Kurmangazy National Conservatory

Assistant Professor at the Department of Musicology Department


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