Enrichment of the Timbre Color in Compositions for Mixed Ensembles of Russian Folk Instruments

Main Article Content

Mikhail I. Sharabarin


The author reveals the mechanism of incorporation of new
means of timbre into the music for mixed ensembles of Russian
folk instruments. One of the most characteristic features is the
extension of the timbre palette of ensemble sound by means
of a deep penetration into the folk music sources of Russian
instrumentalism, individual interpretation in musical composition
of timbre inventiveness of folk musicians, as well as application
of the norms of enrichment of the element of timbre developed by
academic practice.
Various types of timbre contrasts are highlighted in the article
– the “straight” and the “chain” types, which are connected with
the various methods of juxtaposition of timbres. Special notice is
given to the extension of the timbre palette by means of symbiosis
of orchestral and chamber ensemble types of texture, juxtaposition
of techniques of musical academic practice and the features of
folk music ensemble improvisational music making. Enrichment
of the timbre color also takes place through the implementation
into the customary makeup of the ensemble of standard Russian
instruments (the small and alto domra, the balalaika prima, the
bayan and the doublebass)
of additional instruments. The latter
are the instruments of the symphony orchestra, which acquire in
connection with the Russian folk instruments a peculiar national
color, as well as various diverse instruments from the practice of
folk music.

Keywords: mixed ensemble of folk instruments, Russian
folk music, timbre, texture

Article Details

How to Cite
Sharabarin, M. I. (2014). Enrichment of the Timbre Color in Compositions for Mixed Ensembles of Russian Folk Instruments. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 66–70. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/61
Musical Instruments of Russia
Author Biography

Mikhail I. Sharabarin, Belgorod State Institute for the Arts and Culture

Associate Professor, Head of the Department
of Folk Instruments
student at the Department of the Bayan
and Accordion of the Russian Gnesins’ Music Academy


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