The Embodiment of Tradition of Yakuti Epic Olonkho in the Opera “Glow” by V. Xenofontov

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Polina V. Pavlova


The article examins the influence of the Yakuti epic genre of olonkho, which has become the core of the national theatre, on opera “The Glow” by Vladimir Ksenofontov. Unlike his predecessors, the composer does not follow a beaten path of reconstruction of the monumental legend forms. Instead, he implements the plot not connected with the national epos. Nevertheless, the influence of the principles of olonkho is revealed on the level of aspects of dramaturgy of this work, such as topic and plot, scenario, composition and intonational development. Thus, as a result of research of the composition by Ksenofontov, the author finds the new approach to the olonkho traditions in Yakuti opera.

Keywords: Yakuti opera, Yakuti epos, olonkho, V. Ksenofontov

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How to Cite
Pavlova, P. V. (2010). The Embodiment of Tradition of Yakuti Epic Olonkho in the Opera “Glow” by V. Xenofontov. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 79–81. Retrieved from
National Culture and the Synthesis of Arts
Author Biography

Polina V. Pavlova, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Polina V. Pavlova is a graduate student at the Department of Music History


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