To the History of Development of the Genre of Musical Drama in the Tatar Drama Theater

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Yelena N. Sadirova


The article discusses the history of specific Tatar theatrical tradition of interaction of music and action. Author analyzes the genre of musical drama as a factor in the formation of the principles of musical design of a theatrical work.

Keywords: history of Tatar music, opera, Tatar Theater, musical arrangement Performance

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How to Cite
Sadirova, Y. N. (2010). To the History of Development of the Genre of Musical Drama in the Tatar Drama Theater. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 71–73. Retrieved from
National Culture and the Synthesis of Arts
Author Biography

Yelena N. Sadirova, Institute of Language, Literature and Arts named after G. Ibragimov, branch of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan

Assistant Researcher of the Division of Theater


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