Traditions and Innovations in the Art of Performance of Saratov-Based Accordionists on the Present-Day Level

Main Article Content

Alevtina A. Mikhailova


The article is devoted to research of the art of folk instrumental
music of the Volga region connected with the existence of the
Saratov accordion, which has been determined as the sonic
ideal of ethnic regional culture. The article discloses the genre
of repertoire and the stylistic peculiarities of archaic playing,
as well as of the later instrumental tradition formed under the
inluence of the urban folksong tradition and directed towards
concert performance. The contemporary style of the performance
of accordion players, based on musical tradition, reveals an
innovative approach, an enrichment of performance with new
means of articulation and sound expression. The research has
been carried out with the assistance of the grant of the Russian
Humanitarian Scholarly Foundation, project No.14-04-18012-е.

Keywords: folklore, traditional instrumentalism, Saratov
harmonica, archaic traditions, urban culture, genres of
instrumental tunes

Article Details

How to Cite
Mikhailova, A. A. (2014). Traditions and Innovations in the Art of Performance of Saratov-Based Accordionists on the Present-Day Level. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 63–66. Retrieved from
Musical Instruments of Russia
Author Biography

Alevtina A. Mikhailova, The Saratov State L.V. Sobinov Conservatory

Candidate of Arts,
Associate Professor at the Department of Solo Singing
and Ethnomusicology


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