Vocal Cycle of N. S. Berestov “The Sun Beam”

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Larisa S. Spiridonova


The article describes the vocal works of Yakuti composer N. Berestov who continues the line of vocal lyricism associated with the names of its founders - M. Zhirkova, G. Grigoryan,
G. Komrakova, pioneers of professional musical art of Yakutia. Relying on musicological studies, his own observations, and the experience of performance of vocal music of Yakuti composers the author analyzes the song cycle of N.S. Berestov “The Sun Beam” . The author looks at the imagery, originality of melodic patterns and rhythms associated with the two national styles of singing - dieretii yrya and degegren yrya, their artistic and imaginative content.

Keywords: folklore of Yakutia, composers of Yakutia, a song cycle, style of singing

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How to Cite
Spiridonova, L. S. (2010). Vocal Cycle of N. S. Berestov “The Sun Beam”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 60–65. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/599
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Larisa S. Spiridonova, Higher School of Music of the Republic of Sakha (Jakutia)

Docent and the Chair of the Department of Chamber Ensemble and Collaborative Piano


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