The Genre of Sermon and its Realization in the Sacred Music of Georgi Sviridov

Main Article Content

Yelena A. Fedulova


The article discusses the use of the tradition of preaching in sacred music of Sviridov. The author studies the degrees of implementation of genre of sermon in Sviridov’s music, the means used by the composer in order to recreate the atmosphere of sermon, to design of the genre and vocal speech forms, quoting of the Holy Scripture and to invoke the spirit of elevated, emotionally-clarified, and beneficial sermon.

Keywords: sacred music, Georgi Sviridov

Article Details

How to Cite
Fedulova, Y. A. (2010). The Genre of Sermon and its Realization in the Sacred Music of Georgi Sviridov. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 37–40. Retrieved from
Russian Sacred Music
Author Biography

Yelena A. Fedulova, Ural State Conservatory named after M. P. Musorgsky

Yelena A. Fedulova is degree Candidate of Music Theory Department


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