The Concept of “Professionalism of the Oral Tradition” and the Kazakh Song Culture: New and Old Issues

Main Article Content

Saida A. Elemanova


The article is devoted to the issue of professionalism in the oral
tradition, which has attracted the attention of musicologists for
the irst time in the USSR in the 1970s. The cardinal changes
that took place in the perceptions of 20th century musical culture,
presently including the multitude of “new musicalcreative
(Valentina Konen), forms of folk music that have not existed
previously (types of Uzbek Bastakors and Kazakh amateur song
composers and performers), as well as familiarization with the
musical traditions of various continents made it possible for
musicology to master more actively the sphere of the social and
cultural sphere of folk music. the author accentuates the necessity
of a sociological approach to the present phenomenon and
suggests dividing the artcriticismrelated
and the sociological
approaches, in order to examine professionalism primarily as a
social phenomenon. Thereby the possibility of an operational
application of this category is achieved. The article cites the
opinions of authoritative musicologists, specialists in folk music,
on professionalism in folk music culture.

Keywords: professionalism of the oral tradition, musical
culture of Kazakhstan, sociological and art criticism approach,

Article Details

How to Cite
Elemanova, S. A. (2014). The Concept of “Professionalism of the Oral Tradition” and the Kazakh Song Culture: New and Old Issues. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 57–62. Retrieved from
International Division
Author Biography

Saida A. Elemanova, Kazakh State University for the Arts

Candidate of Arts,
Professor at the Musicology Department


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