“The Past is Passing by Me ...” From “The Memoirs” of Helmer Sinisalo

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Natalia Yu. Grodnitskaya


This article is devoted to the analysis of “The Memoirs“ of Helmer Sinisalo (1920-1989), Honored Art Worker of Karelia, USSR People’s Artist. Sinisalo is one of the founders of the Karelian professional music, the creator of the first national ballet “Sampo” (by the Karelian-Finnish epos “Kalevala”) and the first Karelian concerts and symphony. Sinisalo was the permanent chairman of the Composer’s Union of Karelia from 1956 to 1989. In his “The Memoirs” the unknown details of the author biography are revealed “from first hand”. It describes the history of the establishment of the Composers’ Union of Karelia, its life during several ten-year periods... The main part of “The Memoirs” is devoted the teachers of Sinisalo, collegue-musicians, some of his contemporaries.
“The Memoirs” describe Helmer Sinisalo as a very friendly personality: observant, reflective and sympathetic to others.

Keywords: The professional music of Karelia, Helmer Sinisalo, Kalevala as Karelian-Finnish epos

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How to Cite
Grodnitskaya, N. Y. (2010). “The Past is Passing by Me .” From “The Memoirs” of Helmer Sinisalo. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 95–99. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/562
Area Studies in Music
Author Biography

Natalia Yu. Grodnitskaya, Petrozavodsk State Conservatory named after A. K. Glazunov

Musicologist, Docent at the Department of History of Music