The Practice of Collective Activity of Composers in the Musical Art of Postmodernism

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Olga V. Sinelnikova


The article is dedicated to the phenomenon of collective composing. The author traces the development of this type of composition in Russian and Western music of the 19th-20th centuries and finds the most characteristic projects of our time, such as the collective composition “Ten views on ten commandments” written for the anniversary of the journal Musical Review and “St. Matthew Passion 2000” created by the members of the artistic company Compozitor. The article lists the premises for this type of creativity, emerged from the aesthetics of postmodernism.

Keywords: Contemporary art of composers, the art of postmodernism, collective authorship, dialogic aspect, polystylistic

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How to Cite
Sinelnikova, O. V. (2010). The Practice of Collective Activity of Composers in the Musical Art of Postmodernism. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 47–51. Retrieved from
Musical Art of the 20th Century
Author Biography

Olga V. Sinelnikova, Kemerov State University of Culture and Arts

Candidate of Arts, Docent, Chair of the Department of Orchesral Performane at the Kemerov State University of Culture and Arts. She is Doctoral student at the Department of Music Theory of Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky.