The Problem of Minor Mode: a Historical Approach

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Eygenij A. Pinchukov


Phenomenon of (major-minor) inflection has been considered for a long time a feature of sonorous material in music, therefore minor was regarded as the issue of acoustic research aimed at explanation of minor triad. In fact, the sense of inflection is a function of musical mentality which emerges during the evolution; thus, a reasonable approach to this issue should be the research of its origin. In the modal harmony of the 16th century a minor was formed as a precursor of classic tonal minor.

Keywords: musical-theoretical systems, minor, plagality

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How to Cite
Pinchukov, E. A. (2011). The Problem of Minor Mode: a Historical Approach. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 9(2), 120–125. Retrieved from
Musical Language in its Historic Evolution