On Formation of Channels of Communication Between Musician-Performer and Audience

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Larisa E. Slutskaya


The article is dedicated to the questions of the role of professional musical education in the development of a musician-performer in preparation for the realization of his or her professional activities in the modern socio-cultural sphere. The author analyses the relationship between the artist and the audience at present and examines different types of public perception, grounds the necessity of professional training for musicians, which makes it possible to open the communication channels between the artist and the audience.

Keywords: musical sociology, musician-performer, the creative sphere of culture, professional musical education, self-realization

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How to Cite
Slutskaya, L. E. (2011). On Formation of Channels of Communication Between Musician-Performer and Audience. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 9(2), 192–194. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/508
Musical Performance and Pedagogy


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