To the Question of Modal-Intonational Paradigm of the Blues Melody

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Olga V. Tytyk


This article is devoted to the problems of the blues mode and the structure of blues melody. The article examines a number of theories of the blues mode. The author suggests a new approach by analyzing the intonation and mode of blues melody. The author deduces common intonation formulae of blues melody which form the basis of its generative model. The author considers a personal level of the melodic model on the examples of the blues by Muddy Waters and John Lee Hooker. The new approach to the analysis of the blues mode enables examining it in connection with melody, harmony and the form.

Keywords: blues mode, generative model of blues melody, personal model of blues melody

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How to Cite
Tytyk, O. V. (2011). To the Question of Modal-Intonational Paradigm of the Blues Melody. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 9(2), 222–226. Retrieved from
Technique of Composition of the 20th Century


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