The Composer-Avantgardist Bo Nielsen: the Forgotten «Genius from the Malmberget»

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Yekaterina G. Okuneva


The article presents a career of Swedish avantgarde composer Bo Nilsson which was known in 1960th, but is almost forgotten today. The author tries to draw a portrait of the ambiguous person, analyzes some of his compositions. The article reveals mystifications which were created by the composer and also a reaction of public to his acts.

Keywords: Avant-garde, Darmstadt, the Swedish music, the Swedish avant-garde, Bo Nilsson, Bengt Hambraeus

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How to Cite
Okuneva, Y. G. (2011). The Composer-Avantgardist Bo Nielsen: the Forgotten «Genius from the Malmberget». Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 9(2), 200–204. Retrieved from
Technique of Composition of the 20th Century


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