History and Myth in the Opera The Master and Margarita By S. Slonimsky

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Maria A. Ignatova


This article is devoted to modern Russian musical theatre. On an example of operatic work of the outstanding composer of modernity, S.Slonimsky, the author outlines the appearance of new ideas in the modern Russian musical theatre, predetermined by the phenomenon of mythologization. The article sheds the light on the synthesis of history and myth in a projection onto specifically operatic contents. The article describes the new step in the interpretation of historical past in The Master and Margarita, shown in obvious displacement of accents from exact following of the historical facts toward revealing their deeper meanings. This is resulted from merger of history of the source of opera’s content and the myth as special logic of interpretation.

Keywords: musical theater of Russia, contemporary opera, music and myth

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How to Cite
Ignatova, M. A. (2011). History and Myth in the Opera The Master and Margarita By S. Slonimsky. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 136–139. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/478
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