Ethnoscenology in the Pacific Rim Region: the Results of the Festival in Chun Chon

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Larisa A. Akhmylovskaya
Andriana Yu. Barysh


The article outlines the major trends revealed by the prestigious International Pacific Region Theatre Forum in Chun Chon, Republic of Korea. The authors, as translators and scholars at the Festival, have noted the specificity of cross-cultural theatremaking, its growing genre palette and its global cultural and political authority. The authors witnessed the unifying role of the Russian Far Eastern Theatre as the cultural liaison for East-West collaboration.

Keywords: cross-cultural collaboration, the modern theatre of Japan, musical drama, Pacific Rim new drama, Festival experience of play translation, theatre translator functions to be revised

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How to Cite
Akhmylovskaya, L. A., & Barysh, A. Y. (2011). Ethnoscenology in the Pacific Rim Region: the Results of the Festival in Chun Chon. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 102–107. Retrieved from
Conferences. Festivals


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