Metamorphoses of Baroque Models in the Organ Music of the 19th Century

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Natalia Vl. Golfarb


This paper covers the process of discovering new senses and ideas in the heritage which was received by 19th century organ music from previous eras (Baroque in particular). The central points of this article include the correlation between Romantic music and styles of previous eras, genre transformation, the function of the old Baroque models in new historical conditions, and the infl uence of Baroque on models produced by the 19th century itself.

Keywords: musical style, music of Baroque, organ music, genres of Baroque

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How to Cite
Golfarb, N. V. (2011). Metamorphoses of Baroque Models in the Organ Music of the 19th Century. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 92–97. Retrieved from
Organ and Organ Music


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