Dramatic Serenata in the History of the Genre

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Yulia N. Zhelnova


The article is devoted to the dramatic serenata, a typological version of vocal serenades. It is evaluated from the standpoint of individual features of the genre (the libretto, composition, drama), as well as in comparison and direct interaction with its related genres (opera, cantata, an ode to the court). Serenata’s dramatic role in the history of the genre is signifi cant because it becomes a model for the formation of a new variety of the genre – the orchestral serenade.

Keywords: serenade, serenata, ode, cantata, general model of genre, genetical and typological models of genre

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How to Cite
Zhelnova, Y. N. (2011). Dramatic Serenata in the History of the Genre. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 83–86. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/467
Musical Genre and Style


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