On Genre Specifi city of Marian Antiphons

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Natalia V. Ushakova


This article considers the genesis and nature of Marian Antiphons (МА). The author supports her arguments on the achievements of contemporary mediaevistic studies, with the methodology that rejects the so-called opus-culture. The features which distinguish the genre archetype of Marian Antiphons are derived from the Name of the Virgin, which becomes a primary factor which marks this part of Gregorian Chant as the duality of an image of the Mother of God–combination of its spiritual image with its earthly sensual beginning of motherhood. This duality generates the complicated nature of the genre of Мarian Аntiphons.

Keywords: Marian Antiphons, Gregorian chant, The Office Hours, image of the Mother of God, hymn

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How to Cite
Ushakova, N. V. (2011). On Genre Specifi city of Marian Antiphons. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 79–82. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/466
Musical Genre and Style