Wedding Genres of Karelian Coast of the White Sea

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Vera A. Shvetsova


The article deals with wedding genres of musical folklore of Viena karels in the context of traditional rite. The author’s attention is focused on the circumstances of performance and functions of musical-poetic texts of ritual genres – laments and wedding runes. The author briefl y touches upon the so-called “third sounding layer of rite” – the music of merrymaking of the youth, as well as wedding-eve genre of jojku. The author emphasizes the differences between the musical content of a wedding in the bride’s home and a wedding in the groom’s house.

Keywords: wedding musical genres, wedding of Viena karels, wedding laments, wedding runes

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How to Cite
Shvetsova, V. A. (2011). Wedding Genres of Karelian Coast of the White Sea. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 55–58. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia


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