On the Creative Work of S. G. Eidinov (1911–1983)

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Andrei I. Bogatkin


The article provides the evaluation of the performing, pedagogic, managerial and cultural impact of the work of Semyon Grigoryevich Eidinov (1911-1983). His name is associated with the birth and formation of the musical art in Magnitogorsk, a new city in the Southern Ural Mountains area. Special attention is given to the history of the Academic Choral cappella, which was created and lead by Mr. Eidinov.

Keywords: music of Russia, musical culture of the Ural Mountains, choral music, choral cappella

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How to Cite
Bogatkin, A. I. (2011). On the Creative Work of S. G. Eidinov (1911–1983). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 51–54. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/459
Musical Life of Russia in 19th-20th Centuries


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