Management of Imperial Theaters and Musical Life of Moscow in the 19th Century

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Elena М. Shabshaevich


The paper deals with the function of Management of Imperial Theaters, which was one of the most negative infl uences on Moscow concert life the 19th century. The article traces the evolution of monopoly of Management; some directions in its activity, including administrative, fi scal (regulation of permissions to a concert of visitors of performers and restriction on performances of own actors), and fi nancial are brought to light. The function of Management of Imperial Theaters obstructed the development of theater and concert life, and its disbandment in 1892 and consequent lifting of the private initiative has led to a surge of activity at the turn of the 19th century.

Keywords: musical life of Moscow, Imperial Theaters

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How to Cite
Shabshaevich E. М. (2011). Management of Imperial Theaters and Musical Life of Moscow in the 19th Century. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 39–42. Retrieved from
Musical Life of Russia in 19th-20th Centuries