The Study of Adaptation of Christian Singing Tradition in Eastern and the Western Europe in the Middle Ages

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Anna V. Chernova


The author investigates the ways of studying the adaptation of the Byzantine art by ancient Russia from the point of view of a direct connection of this cultural phenomenon with the Western European cultural paradigm. The basic tendencies of the named cultures were generated practically simultaneously, connected by the same genesis, as both interference and opposition. The distinction of paradigms, on the other hand, has infl uenced the terminological vocabulary and its semantic content in the Western and Byzantine-Russian theories of music. In particular, the article describes the opposition of binary and ternary metric rhythmic systems in the Eastern and Western Europe, from the point of view of coexistence of cultural paradigms. The author supports her study on the results of research of culturologists and the medievist musicologists, as well as and on the materials of author’s Master’s thesis, dedicated to Latin of musical-theoretical sources of the 13th century.

Keywords: I the Byzantine art, old-Russian vocal art, cultural paradigms of the East and the West, ternary and binary rhythm

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How to Cite
Chernova, A. V. (2011). The Study of Adaptation of Christian Singing Tradition in Eastern and the Western Europe in the Middle Ages. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 29–33. Retrieved from
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