Old-Believers’ Azbuka’s of the Urals-Siberia Region (on the Materials of Siberian Regional Manuscript Collections)

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Elena L. Plavskaya


The article evaluates the materials of handwritten manuals for singers (azbukas) of the Siberian regional manuscript collections. The goal of research is to identify the features of their structure and content in comparison with the Old-Russian musical-theoretical manuals. As this study shows, music-theoretical manuals of Old Believers period of the Ural-Siberian region inherited the features of Old-Russian tradition and, at the same time, have their own distinctive characteristics, while remaining within the conservative singing canon. Thus, the musical-theoretical knowledge of the Old Believer period confi rms the continuity of early and late periods of existence of Old-Russian art of singing.

Keywords: music education of Old-Believers, the musicaltheoretical Manuals

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How to Cite
Plavskaya, E. L. (2011). Old-Believers’ Azbuka’s of the Urals-Siberia Region (on the Materials of Siberian Regional Manuscript Collections). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 25–28. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/452
Traditions of Chant in Ancient Russia


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