On Embodiment of the Principles of “Playing Theater” in the Operas for Children by Composers of the Urals

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Aleksandr A. Yermakov


The article views special aspects of interpreting the scenic action in children’s operas by composers of the Ural area. While they show different approaches to this opera component, some cases of its irregular use can be found: e. g. from separate “cutin” episodes of an actable plane to entirely original dramaturgic concepts with an emphasis on a bright “external” form of the artistic content presentation.

Keywords: children’s operas by composers of the Ural area, actable plays, opera dramaturgy, stage manager’s theater

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How to Cite
Yermakov, A. A. (2012). On Embodiment of the Principles of “Playing Theater” in the Operas for Children by Composers of the Urals. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 249–253. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/440
Contemporary Musical Art


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