On the Discipline and Program “Introduction into Musicology”

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Lyudmila N. Shaimukhametova


The article introduces the content of a program course called Introduction to ‘Musicology’ as Profession, which is now obligatory in all higher institutions of music education over Russia. Through the teaching of this subject to musicologists at  of both the task-oriented development of their intellection and the forming of their versatile professional skills. In the  course of these lessons, both specifically selected exercises, intensive methods of imagination development and creative mechanisms of interaction with the text of music, as well as role-playing games, memory-, logic-, observation-, attention- and imaginationtraining exercises, etc., have actively been used; besides, the taught topics are accompanied with detailed bibliographical lists. The specificity of the author’s approach to this school program considers both scientific and artistic methods in a musicologist’s professional activities.

Keywords: musicology, an author's program Introduction into musicology, various models of musicology as profession

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How to Cite
Shaimukhametova, L. N. (2012). On the Discipline and Program “Introduction into Musicology”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 182–188. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/429
Музыкальное образование: теория, методика, практика