Russian Orthodox Bells Ringing in the Slavic World: the Concept of Its Meaning

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Aleksandr S. Yareshko


The author considers bell ringing as a high achievement of the Russian Orthodox culture. The Slavs had borrowed the bell ringing a thousand years ago, together with Christianity, and it was developing seamlessly, as well as both church arts and folklore, having flowered exceedingly in Medieval Russia. The core idea of the bell ringing is a prayer, an appeal to the Lord. A unique stylistic and genre system of the bell music has appeared in the course of its historical development.

Keywords: bell ringing, Russian Orthodox culture, church arts, folklore, the bell-ringing genre system, the bell-ringing music

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How to Cite
Yareshko, A. S. (2012). Russian Orthodox Bells Ringing in the Slavic World: the Concept of Its Meaning. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 150–154. Retrieved from
Sacred Music